Journal Entry 1

14.03.2021 - First steps in Unity editor

Hours: 3

Unity and VS Tools installed without issues, Karting microgame explored.
Platformer project created, started modding - Rick Astley's face as billboard content to entertain myself from the beginning. Naming the game was good, but I struggled finding a way to elegantly change properties of the text while looking at the result online (in other words, turn on UI from editor) - enabling UI Canvas "object" made it for me. Rainbow trail looks good, althought after some while playing with it I noticed it is not rendered correctly when jumping in front of billboards. Trying to manually set Z coordinate of trail object again did it, but then I also discovered Sorting Layer and Order in Layer options, which I guess are the ones I should use. Now after placing more trees into the scene, I tried to find a way to modify tiles, after poking some buttons in Level GameObject (Tilemap settings), my Unity freezed, and after 5 minutes I decided to forcefully close it. To my surprise after reloading the project again, there were no objects in the hierarchy but a camera. I found no way to restore my progress and assuming it was lost I created new one. I didn't repeat the steps, continuing where I left. Added trees with Jiggling component, I now noticed changing rotation frequency has no effect, and after peeking into source code I saw there is a bug where rotation frequency is actually using Position Frequency property... One of the last issues I had was when reaching the tutorial to actually edit the tilemap, since there was no Tile Pallete in Window>2D menu. After short googling I found a soltuion where I had to install some package connected to tiles editor. And finally, another "bug" with GameObject script i found is the SpeedPad. Entering the speed boost twice in a short enough timespan results in obtaining the speed bust permanently.

So this is my first experience with Unity ^^


AnotherPlatformerRelease.rar 22 MB
Mar 14, 2021

Get Project A

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